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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Ntel, What is Happen? Are You Not Giving us 4G LTE Data Services Again?

Ntel, what is happening? We’ve been anticipating your arrival for the past few weeks after being disappointed by other network companies. You promised Nigerians that you are fully launching this month November and today is already 30th November 2015 and yet we’ve not seen your break light. I want to believe you are not going to disappoint us as our expectation about you is rising daily.

3G Sucks, 4G rocks!

4G network is what we all have been waiting for a very long time. Aside of Spectranet, Smile and others who are offering 4G services, ntel promise to offer 4G data services. Now that they have gone on hibernation mode, is ntel suddenly given up their promises to Nigerians? I even went ahead to check their site here, and it shows under construction, telling me to check back soon. Atleast for a serious company that is about to storm the nation, should have a working website even before its launch.

Now that we have Note 2 4G LTE supported, InnJoo 2 4G LTE supported, it will be a national error if ntel decide not to launch this November. Not just an error but a national insult if they didn’t launch this year 2015.

Ntel… we are still waiting. If you fail us, we’ll nail you!

from Wealth Creation


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